Tag Archives: Grateful

Be Grateful, Be Faithful

The qualifications that gave me a job
Are the same someone else have
But do not have a job, Be grateful

The prayer that God answered for me
Is the same others have been praying
Yet remain in waiting, Be grateful

The road I use daily, safely
Is the same road,
Others may have died on, Be grateful

The temple in which God blessed me
Is the same others worship in too
Still their lives are in storms, Be grateful

The bed I used in the hospital
I got healed and discharged,
Is the same others may have died on, Be grateful

The rain that my land thirsted for
And made my field produce good crops,
Is the same that destroyed someone’s field, Be grateful

Whatever I have is not by my power or by my might
But by His Grace, who is the giver of everything
And in everything give thanks, Be grateful

For everything I have wanted, in faith and in hope,
To reach for the skies, to change the world – from shadows to the stars,
God and universe conceived many conspiracies, to help me achieve, Be grateful

Faith, the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen
That sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible
Be Faithful and be Grateful